The Impossible Us by Sarah Lotz

~Listen you tight-fisted pea-brained grouse-shooting tweedy twat…~

~Thankfully I was taking a breather in my hotel room when I received this bombshell, which meant I could let out a semi-hysterical “WHAT THE ACTUAL BUGGERING FUCK?” without attracting an audience.~

~Self-realization. Self-actualization. Language straight out of those crappy self-help books I used to semi-read. But it turns out they were right: figuring out – no, confronting – who you really are, what you’re capable of and not capable of is a game changer.~

~Marriages typically symbolize the ending of the story. The happily ever after. There’s a reason why no one wants to see Cinderella 2: The Divorce. Or Beauty and the Beast: The Battle for Custody of the Candlestick or whatever the fuck that thing was.~

~SO DISAPPOINTED WITH THE ENDING!! What was the writer thinking???~ (Yes, that’s a quote, and it made me laugh.)

Missing Person by Sarah Lotz

The cover of Sarah Lotz' Missing Person features a dark background with a pink dress with a red sash.

~The kid may be in trouble, but he still had that thing, that inner self-assurance that no amount of hardship could fully extinguish.~

~Shaun learned the bizarre truth about his uncle in a cemetery on a damp October evening.~

~Later, when he was back in the safety of his room, he’d think-with a certain amount of grim irony-that of all the places to hear that a relative had come back from the dead, a graveyard had to be the most apposite.~

~You should see how people react if I get out of the [wheelchair] in the store. They either act like they’re witnessing a medical miracle or think I’m some kind of charlatan.~

~He wouldn’t say they were friends exactly, but there was no doubt they shared a bond of sorts and he now understood why she’d cultivated such a brittle carapace.~

~But maybe, just maybe, she’d enjoyed the sneaking around. Doing more than she’d let on. Being the centre of it. Playing a game, seeing how far she could push it.

The White Road by Sarah Lotz

28375191.jpg– I met the man who would save my life twice – and ultimately destroy it – on a potholed road in the arse-end of the Welsh countryside. –

– I couldn’t shake the sense that I was dragging myself through the smuggy intestine of a huge animal. –

– Everest. Frozen turds and fractured egos was how I pictured it. –

– Who is the third who walks beside you? –


– Maybe the dead don’t haunt us. We haunt them. –